Package-level declarations


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data class BestPvpStanding(val totalPoints: Int, val division: Int, val tier: Int, val points: Int, val repeats: Int)

Data model for best pvp standing

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data class CurrentPvpStanding(val totalPoints: Int, val division: Int, val tier: Int, val points: Int, val repeats: Int, val rating: Int, val decay: Int)

Data model for current pvp standing

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data class LadderStats(val ranked: WinLossStats?, val unranked: WinLossStats?)

Data model for ladder stats object

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data class ProfessionsStats(val guardian: WinLossStats? = null, val warrior: WinLossStats? = null, val engineer: WinLossStats? = null, val ranger: WinLossStats? = null, val thief: WinLossStats? = null, val elementalist: WinLossStats? = null, val mesmer: WinLossStats? = null, val necromancer: WinLossStats? = null, val revenant: WinLossStats? = null)

Data model for profession stats

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data class PvpStanding(val current: CurrentPvpStanding, val best: BestPvpStanding, val seasonId: String)

Data model for pvp standings object

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data class PvpStats(val pvpRank: Int, val pvpRankPoints: Int, val pvpRankRollovers: Int, val aggregate: WinLossStats, val professions: ProfessionsStats, val ladders: LadderStats)

Data model of account pvp stats

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data class WinLossStats(val wins: Int, val losses: Int, val desertions: Int, val byes: Int, val forfeits: Int)

Data model for pvp statistics