Package-level declarations


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data class Adventure(val id: String, val coord: Coordinates, val name: String, val description: String)

Data model for Adventures

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data class Continent(val id: Int, val name: String, val continentDims: Dimensions, val minZoom: Int, val maxZoom: Int, val floors: List<Int>)

Data model for Continents

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data class ContinentMap(val id: Int, val name: String, val minLevel: Int, val maxLevel: Int, val defaultFloor: Int, val mapRect: Rectangle, val continentRect: Rectangle, val labelCoord: Coordinates, val pointsOfInterest: Map<Int, PointOfInterest>, val tasks: Map<Int, HeartTask>, val skillChallenges: List<SkillChallenge>, val sectors: Map<Int, Sector>, val adventures: List<Adventure>, val masteryPoints: List<MasteryPoint>)

Data model for map info returned by the /continents endpoint

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Data model for Coordinates. A coordinate is defined by one value each on the X and Y axis.

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@Serializable(with = DimensionsSerializer::class)
data class Dimensions(val x: Float, val y: Float)

Data model for Dimensions. A dimension is something with a size in both the X and Y directions.

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data class Floor(val id: Int, val textureDims: Dimensions, val clampedView: Rectangle, val regions: Map<Int, Region>)

Data model for Floors

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data class HeartTask(val id: Int, val objective: String, val level: Int, val coord: Coordinates, val bounds: List<Coordinates>, val chatLink: String)

Data model for Tasks, aka "Hearts"

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data class Map(val id: Int, val name: String, val minLevel: Int, val maxLevel: Int, val defaultFloor: Int, val type: MapType, val floors: List<Int>, val regionId: Int, val regionName: String?, val continentId: Int, val continentName: String? = null, val mapRect: Rectangle, val continentRect: Rectangle)

Data model for map info returned by the /maps endpoint

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Enumeration for the possible types of a map

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data class MasteryPoint(val id: Int, val coord: Coordinates, val region: String)

Data model mastery points.

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data class PointOfInterest(val id: Int, val name: String? = null, val type: PointOfInterestType, val floor: Int, val coord: Coordinates, val chatLink: String, val icon: String? = null)

Data model for points of interest, aka "POI"

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Enumeration for the possible types of a point of interest

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@Serializable(with = RectangleSerializer::class)
data class Rectangle(val first: Coordinates, val second: Coordinates)

Data model for a Rectangle. A rectangle is defined by a pair of coordinates. The first coordinate represents the upper left corner, while the second is the lower right corner.

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data class Region(val id: Int, val name: String, val labelCoord: Coordinates, val continentRect: Rectangle, val maps: Map<Int, ContinentMap>)

Data model for regions. Regions are part of a io.github.kryszak.gwatlin.api.mapinfo.model.Floor

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data class Sector(val id: Int, val name: String, val level: Int, val coord: Coordinates, val bounds: List<Coordinates>, val chatLink: String)

Data model for sectors. Regions are part of a io.github.kryszak.gwatlin.api.mapinfo.model.ContinentMap

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data class SkillChallenge(val id: String, val coord: Coordinates)

Data model for skill challenges, aka "Hero Point"