Package-level declarations


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@SerialName(value = "AttributeAdjust")
data class AttributeAdjust(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val value: Int? = null, val target: String? = null) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type AttributeAdjust

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@SerialName(value = "Buff")
data class Buff(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val duration: Int? = null, val status: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val applyCount: Int? = null) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Buff

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@SerialName(value = "BuffConversion")
data class BuffConversion(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val percent: Float, val source: String, val target: String) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type BuffConversion

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data class BuffPrefix(val text: String, val icon: String, val status: String? = null, val description: String? = null)

Data model for buff prefix object

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@SerialName(value = "ComboField")
data class ComboField(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val fieldType: ComboFieldType) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type ComboField

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Possible values for combo field types

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@SerialName(value = "ComboFinisher")
data class ComboFinisher(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val percent: Float, val finisherType: ComboFinisherType) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type ComboFinisher

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Possible values for combo finisher types

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@SerialName(value = "Damage")
data class Damage(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val hitCount: Int, val dmgMultiplier: Float? = null) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Damage

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@SerialName(value = "Distance")
data class Distance(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val distance: Int) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Distance

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@SerialName(value = "Duration")
data class Duration(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val duration: Float) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Duration

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interface Fact

Shared interface for skill and trait facts

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@SerialName(value = "Heal")
data class Heal(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val hitCount: Int) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Heal

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@SerialName(value = "HealingAdjust")
data class HealingAdjust(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val hitCount: Int) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type HealingAdjust

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@SerialName(value = "NoData")
data class NoData(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type NoData

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@SerialName(value = "Number")
data class Number(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val value: Int) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Number

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@SerialName(value = "Percent")
data class Percent(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val percent: Number? = null, val value: Number? = null) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Percent

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@SerialName(value = "PrefixedBuff")
data class PrefixedBuff(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val duration: Int? = null, val status: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val applyCount: Int? = null, val prefix: BuffPrefix) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type PrefixedBuff

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@SerialName(value = "Radius")
data class Radius(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val distance: Int) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Radius

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@SerialName(value = "Range")
data class Range(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val value: Int) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Range

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@SerialName(value = "Recharge")
data class Recharge(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val value: Number) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Recharge

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@SerialName(value = "StunBreak")
data class StunBreak(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val value: Boolean) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type StunBreak

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@SerialName(value = "Time")
data class Time(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val duration: Float) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Time

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data class TraitedFact(val requiresTrait: Int, val overrides: Int? = null, val fact: Fact)

Data model for traited fact skill property.

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@SerialName(value = "Unblockable")
data class Unblockable(val text: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val value: Boolean) : Fact

Data model for skill/trait facts with type Unblockable